Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Dear Tom,

I remember when we first met.  Me, so full of expectation; you, so full of promise.  I was in a place in my life when you seemed like just my type--natural, trustworthy, safe.  And you talked such a good game.  I knew that our relationship would go one of two ways:  either it would be all I ever hoped for, or it would stink.

Well, you let me down, Tom.  I was embarrassed and hurt, and I felt as if I had been duped. 

But, when we ran into each other again a few days ago, my weakness for your promises came flooding back.  I thought, "Maybe this time will be different.  Maybe things have changed."  I was so optimistic, so full of hope, so eager for our return to each other. 

And you, Tom, you failed me again.  Big time.  But, I won't waste my time being ashamed...I will tell the world how you lie, how you never live up to your squeaky-clean image, how you disappoint so completely.

Truth:  It is not long lasting, smells only slightly bearable, and you spend 24 hours protected from contact with other human beings, due to your smelly self.  Courtesy of Tom.

Tom, you burn me once, shame on you.
Your burn me twice, shame on me!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dad's Retirement--Round 1

Over this summer, a magical, long-anticipated event happened in our family:
My Dad retired.

Now, this has been particularly anticipated in the last couple of years, since Dad had to go all the way to Canada to finish out his time with his employer when they moved out of our area.  If you haven't read about the adventures of my family while the parents were away, read any of my posts filed under "brother" or "homecomings," and you will be up to date.

So--retirement.  We had a surprise party for Dad.  The surprise was that we were able to keep straight faces while lying through our teeth for weeks in order to get the party together.  And the bonus was that, for once in our lives, Mom told us to lie to Dad.  Fun.

The cake.

Memorabilia from his working years.

My personal favorite:  his lunch box. 
My dad took this small cooler to work every day for many years.  The contents would vary, except for two things:  Tums and ibuprofen.  Tough job.

Shop talk.

 Women folk.  Oh, if you could listen to this particular group of ladies. 
They are too funny.

Brother--remembered his side kick, forgot his shoes.
Priorities, people.

The guest of honor, best father in the world, hardest working man I know.

So, in his retirement, Dad has done the following, so far:

~ Got a dog and developed the most severe case of puppy-love I have ever witnessed.
~ Torn down a shed and built a new one out of the scraps.  Isn't that how we all do it?
~ Repaired vehicles for everyone in a fifteen mile radius.
~ Planted a massive garden, including a crazy amount of corn and pumpkins, which he sees as a perfect background to take more photos of his dog. 
~ Went back to work.  Seriously. 

So, Dad is now semi-retired, semi-OK with that, and completely enamored with his dog, Bruiser. 
But that love is for another post :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Where I am in the Word

I must admit that I have been struggling to get back on track with spending time in the Bible daily, until just recently.  There was a time when it was automatic for me to start the day with a cup of coffee and an hour in God's word, soaking up the strength to go on with the day.  I got out of the routine, and, as with all good habits, it has been difficult to get back in.  But, I am making progress. 

For the past week, I have been reading the book of Hebrews.  I usually read two chapters a morning, right after waking up, and write my thoughts on the reading in a notebook.  It has been wonderful, so focusing.  I found these wise words:

" more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away."  Hebrews 2:1

We have to pay attention, or we risk drifting away.  When I stopped getting up early, spending time in my Bible, and praying before I began the day, I wasn't paying attention.  And I drifted.  But, there is hope for me:

"He rewards those who earnestly seek him."
Hebrews 11:6

I need only to seek Him again, and He will be there, ready to reward my efforts.  He has never stopped speaking, I only stopped listening.  It feels wonderful, peaceful to be seeking, paying attention, and drifting back to the Father. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Let's not... the thing where I tell you why I haven't been blogging.  Hi, there!

So, here is my life in a picture:

Core D--We started our school year the first of August.  This year we decided to go with Sonlight curriculum again, after taking two years off from using it.  I am so glad we revisited the idea!  Sonlight is so complete, totally planned out, and structured.  I love those aspects, but sometimes I let the "box check-er" in me get all freaked out about deviating from the schedule. 

Magazines--I am still serving on the city council.  It has been challenging, rewarding, and humbling.  I have so much to learn, so much growing to do.  I am grateful for the opportunity, so I am trying to make the best of the situation, make the best decisions I can, and never forget who I serve.

The English Novel--My fall college course has started!  I am doing a directed study on the novel.  I think it will be very interesting, and I am grateful to be studying under one of my favorite professors.  He is intelligent, thoughtful, and has always believed in me.  Let's hope I don't disappoint him this semester ;)

I hope to be back to a more regular schedule of blogging!