Monday, September 20, 2010

Setting In

We are settled into our house again, and regular life has commenced.  I still wake up every morning grateful for the home I have been given, feeling more at peace, knowing that my God will not test me beyond what I am He has shown Himself to me time and time again.  But, there is a sadness that is new.  A pain that was dull, covered over by the joy of home.  Now as the newness wears off, the pain is more pronounced. 

I miss Brother.

He is part of the fabric of our family in a different way than he was before. 
You know how you define the eras of your marriage by events?
The years before kids.
When we had Curlyjo.
When we lived on Charles street.
When we had Tiny Love.
During Tiny Love's surgery.
When we moved to our house.
When we lived with Brother.
He is part of our story. 
And right now, I miss his quirky ways, seeing him every day, sharing life with him, watching him grow and mature into a man. 
He comes to see us here, at our home, to have dinner. 
But it is different. 
The landscape has changed.

Brother, I love you so much.  I think you are a fine young man, that you will be a wonderful husband and father someday.  I see through your struggles, your faults, your terrifyingly messy bedroom, and I see a man I can respect.  I see a man who loves his parents and sisters. 
I am blessed to have you as part of my story.

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