Outside my window...It is dark and rainy. Perfect weather for sleeping late!
I am thinking...about the storms we have had in the last couple of days. Storms make me think of how awesome God is, that if He were to come over me with even a fraction of His power, I would bend like the trees in the wind.
I am thankful for...my husband, who works so hard so that I can be home with our children.
From the learning rooms...I have been
From the kitchen...I am about to make breakfast, which Tiny Love likes to include syrup. I am out of almond butter. This is not good.
I am wearing...a t-shirt, boxer shorts, no socks. But my hair is done, makeup on. Priorities.
I am creating...a very detailed information packet to take on vacation. It has maps, directions, local businesses, lists of things to pack for each family member, phone numbers, and instructions for Brother while I am gone. I love lists.
I am going...to get a pedicure today with a dear friend. I haven't had one in a few years, so I will try to swallow my pride and not feel ashamed of my calluses. Running is unkind to the feet.
I am reading...A Little Piece of Earth by Maria Finn. Now I need a worm farm in my basement.
I am hoping...to buy almond butter today. Sorry, the almond butter is obviously distracting me today.
I am hearing...Tiny Love give me her itinerary for the next few days.
Around the house...Tiny Love is dusting my printer. She can leave her room so trashed that I can't find my way to her bed to kiss her goodnight, but dust on the printer requires immediate action. I don't get it.
One of my favorite things...almond butter. Again with the obsession.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Packing for vacation, getting my teeth cleaned (which I hate), helping with VBS, putting some mileage on my sneakers, and the usual (dishes, laundry).
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
The beautiful and elusive Curlyjo has a loose tooth. Loose teeth are all the rage around here.
She looks just like you in those eyes. I see my little baby girl Cindy. I wish I could go back to those days.