Monday, June 7, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

You want to participate in Menu Plan Monday?  Go to here.

We had such a great weekend!  We did some swimming with family, had a little campfire time, saw my Mom on the webcam, and attended a wonderful church service.  I feel ready for the week!

The plan:
Monday:  Kale and White Bean soup, bread
Tuesday:  Beef Stroganoff, egg noodles, frozen veggie
Wednesday:  Grilled chicken (I will invent a marinade), healthy risotto, veggie
Thursday:  Taco Pizza, salad
Friday:  Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, veggie
Saturday:  Spicy Shrimp, brown rice, salad
Sunday:  Leftovers!

Confession:  Sometimes I don't make what is on the list, or I switch the days around. 
I still like having a plan.
I leave you with a couple of weekend pictures that put me in a great mood this Monday morning:

The most beautiful place in the world, my family's farm, also known as "The Compound."

My sweet little family, just being together.

The Roo, who is always doing something looking deep into the eyes of Curlyjo's doll.

My lovely sister and her family.  And the most glaring portion of the picture...her husband's farmer's tan. 

Brother and The Husband, having a chat. 
I think. 

Gratitude.  For all the precious memories we created this weekend.

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