Lately it is rare for me to be reading just one book. It seems that there are so many good books out there that I can't read just one at a time! So, I have some guidelines that help me keep it all straight in my mind, and it offers me something to read no matter what my mood.
At any given time, I may be reading one book from each category:
- Spiritual growth--I learn best if I read the directions. This is also true of my spiritual life, so I often read, in addition to the Bible every day, books that offer help understanding Biblical truths.
- Fiction--This has been a tough area lately, as I am choosy about what I read these days. I don't enjoy fluff or modern romances. I recently joined a small group of ladies who share my desire to read the classics, so we will be selecting a book to read together each month.
- Practical--These books teach a skill or reinforce one I may have already learned. They give me fresh ideas. They may be about homemaking, cooking, math, or just collections of really cool vocabulary words. Feel free to question my sanity.
- Home schooling help--I need encouragement every day in this area of my life, or I am going to put my kids on the bus. Home schooling books are such a wonderful tool to keep me focused on why and how to do this job, and remind me that I am not alone in this endeavor.
My current selections are:
- Mothering Heights by Keitha Smith and Susan Brereton (Practical)
- Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen (Fiction)
- Homeschool Co-Ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out by Carol Topp
I also keep a list of books I want to read, and I add to it as I happen upon titles that look interesting. I will post reviews of the books I read as I finish them, as writing about what I read is one of the joys of life that makes me miss college all the time. I will pretend there is an 'A' at stake. :)
How about you? Do you read one book at a time? Several?
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