Friday, May 14, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook

For Today...May 14, 2010

Outside my is cloudy again.  On the back deck there are eight cats waiting for me to feed them their breakfast. 

I am thinking...about my Bible study that I read this morning.  I saw Abraham and Isaac a new way, and it was wonderful. 

I am thankful for...Jesus Christ, and His love for me.  And the Husband, who used his over-time money to buy me a new bike.  He is the most self-less guy. 

From the learning rooms...Today I fully intend, if I get nothing else done, to read the Bible with my kids and practice our memory verses.  If raising my children in the fear and admonition of the Lord is the most important reason that I homeschool, why do these things come AFTER Math, reading and writing? 

From the kitchen...Norman made himself an omelet for breakfast, of which he was so proud that he made me look at it before he ate it.  I plan to bake bread today, though it may be a bust as it is so humid.

I am wearing...the husband's boxer shorts and my Walk for Water tee.  Bare feet.  I am not moving very fast today.  LOL

I am creating...a giant mess on my desk, a serious stockpile of body wash in the bathroom cabinet, and a recipe that uses coconut oil.

I am going...well, I am not going to the gym.  My legs are too sore and tired to even walk normally.  I need a rest day.  And a ride on my new bike.

I am reading...Walden with my book club.  I am also reading The Peacemaker by Ken Sande, which is so awesome that I wish I would have read it about a year and a half ago.  It would have helped immensely.  Last, I am reading Home Education by Charlotte Mason. 

I am hoping...that it will not rain today.  I need some sunshine.  I am also hoping that July comes really fast, because I get to see my parents and go to Florida!

I am hearing...the ceiling fan humming, the clock ticking, the birds singing, and chores calling.

Around the house...there are signs that little girls live here:  baby dolls, strollers, little flip-flops.  There are also signs that a teenage boy lives here:  opened bags of potato chips, socks on the couch, toothpaste splattered on every bathroom surface.

One of my favorite  I think I love it too much.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Well, it is the weekend.  So I hope to have dinner with my cousin and her husband, get some cleaning done, and have a nice Sunday dinner with my family.  I also hope to see my mom on the webcam soon.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
How many cats do you see?

Want to do a "Simple Woman's Daybook" of your own?  Visit this site.

1 comment:

  1. How many cats do I see? All of them. I miss you so. I miss all of you so.
