Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Get to Know Tiny Love

Tiny Love: 
Second born, baby of the family, smart, brave, sweet, and lovable.
Impulsive, intemperate, and possessing a real ear for a curse word.

Her FAVORITE things:
Yellow Blankey.  Stay smells awful.

Baby Elyse.  The first word she learned to spell was the doll's name.

Lincoln Logs and Legos.  In that order.

Her cat, Chins Monroe.  She loves him so much she baptized him in his water bowl to make sure he would go to heaven. 

Candy.  Lots of candy.  Big candy.

Tea parties with Mom when Curlyjo gets to go somewhere and she doesn't. 

Bringing me gifts, not the least of which is her love.

Thank God for tiny things. 


  1. AWE!!!!! I love Little Tiny Love too! How sweet.

  2. Oh, we love our beautiful Maddie Mae - God made her strong, smart, charming and the most lovable baby girl ever. She knows where Grandma hides the candy, and she steals your heart away with that charming little smile. We love you Maddie with all our hearts and soul, and we are so glad that God brought you to our family. Grandma Susie & Papa Wes
